
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tutorial Try-Out: Abstract Face

This week's Tutorial Try-Out was 
"How to Paint Abstract Faces" by raeart.
I have to admit I am so glad I chose a quick, splashy, and fun one for this week, because I had very little time for experimenting this week.

Spring has a tendency to turn me into a restless, easily distracted tornado.  Case in point:  This week I painted and tiled a bathroom (and that's only the beginning of my current DIY mania)!  So, since I am up to my eyeballs in home projects, I was happy to have a satisfyingly simple tutorial to try-out...

I think I would like to go back into this with some watercolor crayons and gesso, but that will have to wait... 
Today I'm tackling a project in Tyler's room!

Did you try this tutorial?
If so, please link up below.
(I can't wait to see!)

And, please be sure to read all the way to the end of this post to see what tutorial I'm trying next!

I am a huge fan of Lynne Hoppe, and her face painting how-to has been one of the tutorials at the top of my list for ages, 
so I figure there's no time like the present...
Lynn Hoppe's "how to paint faces" tutorial.

Kristin Dudish


  1. Wow you sound busy, busy, busy!

    I love your face and the colours you've used. Haven't done mine yet but I may do it tonight. Tomorrow for sure (Just remembered Masterchef final is on tonight *g*)

    How weird and spooky! I literally just pinned the Lynne Hoppe yesterday!

    1. Lynne Hoppe tutorial. Not THE Lynne Hoppe - that really would be weird and spooky!

  2. You are obviously busy, but loving your abstract face.
    Hugs Annette x

  3. Love that face - watched the tutorial and I'm going to give it a try!

  4. Hi Kristin. I love your face. I did link up my post since I had a face on there, but don't know if it's abstract but it is funky. :)

  5. Hi stopped in from Gloria's blog. I do like your splashy face.

  6. Hi Kristin! I just wanted to pop over and say thankyou so much for your comment! I'm pretty sure you'll know how great it is to hear that I am not alone in this creative butterfly effect! Even more-so when it's a talented and lovely one such as yourself! Funnily enough I have the book you mentioned "Steal like an artist"...LOVE it! Just need more like it in my book collection! Thanks so much for your sweet words of support too,means a lot!
    Loving those water color flowery haired ladies, and seeing how much fun you are having with the tutorial try outs....perfect for a little creative fluttering ;)
    HUGE hugs XX

  7. Wow, looooove this! Thanks so much for the video-link, I've watched some other videos of him that are really interesting. Your face looks great!

  8. How you get time to even breathe I don't know. You have super-duper energy levels, as well as all your other fantastic talents.
    I love your Abstract Face, particularly the restricted colour palette and the simplicity of it. Less is definitely more here.
    Anyway, I enjoyed the tutorial even if they did turn out rather weird - but I like weird and had a good deal of fun. I'm quite pleased with the results, but as always I am always more pleased at how much I learn from doing the tutorials.
    Looking forward to next week's tutorial now. Thank you so much. Jez

  9. I love this and can't wait to try it!! Wow it turned out fabulous!! I do love the restricted colors too...

    Hugs Giggles

  10. Jeeh I am follower 444!!
    Great blog. Great abstract face.

  11. Done! :) I struggled with this one, it was so easy to go too far.

  12. I think it looks great as is!!

  13. Done! *Phew* Squeezing in under the wire :P


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