Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What Happened?!?

You may have noticed that my AEDM posts came to an abrupt halt last week.  The reason?  Effie (my grandmother) went into the hospital.  She is home now (and doing well), so I am back.  

Because of lots of follow-up doctors' appointments and other "life stuff" I won't be posting every day, but I look forward to sharing my latest doodles with you...  I have managed to squeeze in a bit of sketchbook time and I'm hoping to get back to a much more normal schedule soon!


  1. I am glad she is back home, and probably more comfortable, lol. Take care of yourself too!

  2. Yay! You're back and Effie is okay - excellent!

  3. O!
    I wondered where you had went! She is feeling better then? the gramma?
    I hope so - poor thing. I love all grammas universally.
    I'm glad you are back:))))))
    Ps- autocorrect on telephones really doesn't simplify life in the way it was intended to.

  4. sorry to hear about that - but glad effie is doing better....HUGS to you my friend!

  5. Hi Kristin, Hope that all goes well with your grandmother. We're not going anywhere, so whenever you post, we'll be here.

  6. okay now, what happened to the little letter i wrote to effie?!

    as in:

    dear effie, i hope you feel better every day. and by the way, your granddaughter is awesome.

  7. We've missed you! Sending prayers for your Grandmother and you!! Will be on the look out for your amazing posts and pix! Take Care!


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