Friday, March 18, 2022

11 Years of Paint Party Friday!

(A piece from the archives.)

This week's celebration at the PPF blog is bittersweet...

As we celebrate the 11th birthday of our paint party, we also prepare to say farewell to the weekly meet-ups. When EVA first approached me about starting the blog, I never could have imagined the community that would be created. What started out as a fun way to paint more with accountability and encourage others to do the same soon turned into so much more. Through Paint Party Friday, we have made lifelong friendships with artists from all over the world. We have shared moments that extend far beyond the canvas... we've celebrated joys and supported each other through sorrows. It has been an honor to be the co-host of a party that has helped people connect more deeply through their art. 

(A collage of some of my favorite PPF pieces from over the years.)

I would like to offer a great BIG thanks to all of the artists that have shared their art with us over the years. In addition to admiring all of your fabulous work, I have learned so much about bravery, authenticity, and vulnerability from all of you... It takes courage to put yourself out there, and our goal at PPF has always been to provide a safe space for you to share the art of your heart. My wish is that you continue to share your art and let others see all of the things that make you so special. Saying good-bye is hard, so let's not...

Please come say 'hi' on Instagram so we can keep in touch!

(A piece made many moons ago that still holds true today!)

Before I end my final Paint Party Friday post, I want to give a HUGE shout out to my amazing friend and PPF co-host, the incredible EVA!

Thank you so much for trusting me to be your partner in what turned out to be an unbelievable journey... none of it would have been possible without you.



  1. I remember that PPF piece! And a wonderful collage in the Kristin style. Here's to 11 years of a great partnership with Eva.

  2. Kristin thank you so much for being so inspirational and amazing. Thank you and Eva for PPF. The community really gave me and pushed me in the most positive way to create art. Thank you and I wish you all the best with everything. Thank you, thank you thank you! Love and positivity, Maria

  3. 'You' are 'Out of this World' ~ thanks for being you ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Thanks for a great time. I don't like goodbyes, so I'll say 'Till we meet again'. Hugs, Valerie

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for the opportunity to do fun art and post at your linky party, i joined in in 2013. And made lots of Friday blog friends through PPF


  7. I will very much miss you all and our paint party friday meet ups, for me it arrived just at the right time that I needed that safe space. Like Valerie I do not like goodbyes and hope that we will meet up again in blogland as it is the only place I now choose to be.
    Creative best wishes and a very Happy Paint Party Friday Tracey x

  8. Wow. What a wonderful collage.
    Happy PPF!

  9. a fab collage of your art Kristin. Thank you so very much for hosting PPF so lovingly for 11 years! I will miss it so, but am so grateful for all the online friends I have met through this community. Thank you , thank you! Happy PPF, and see you on IG:)

  10. love yoru collage. See you on Insta :)

  11. oh Kristin, I'm crying... Thank you so much for all the kind words and especially for being my fantastic partner in PPF!
    I love this collage - so many memories...
    I will miss our Thursday chats tremendously!
    Much love

  12. PS -I have that card on my home office wall! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

  13. It was a pleasure to be part of PPF, it was such a great and safe place for all of us to party!! Thank you so much for hosting! I will miss PPF.



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