Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Sketches... Lovebugs

If you've ever experienced lovebug season, then you might get a chuckle out of this little drawing I did in my sketchbook last week while in Florida.

Being a "Buffalo gal", the best comparison I have is that lovebugs look like falling snow when coming toward your windshield.  (Although the sound of lovebugs during the height of the season is more like a torrential downpour - I'm sure the sales of windshield washer fluid spike during that time!)

Please be sure to see what goodies have landed in my friends' sketchbooks over at Sophia's blog!


  1. HAHA. I adore this. What a fun concept!

  2. Oh, Kristin LOL...yes it will soon be the season for washing windows of flying bugs, it's a good thing I don't ride a motorcycle because then, well, lets just say window washer wouldn't be an option. :-)

  3. now kristin, how can i handle being enamored by these darling bugs and then have to think of them smushed on the windshield. i hope their last moments are filled with however bugs get excited ( i wanted to be more explicit but i know this is a family blog and i don't want to leave a bad impression of myself) :^)

    you know mary chapin carpenter's song: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug? ahahaha, thanks for the smiles this morning

    ps. no hearts on email. i don't know why, but they refuse to become hearts. ♥

  4. Kristin, do you know how Love Bugs get from here to there? They fly united. Heehee. I lived in Florida for 5 years and the Love Bugs were something else. There were times I had to pull over to the side of the road and get out to clean the windshield every 1/4 mile or I couldn't see a thing. I'd have to wash the car when I got back home and it was a challenge to get those little guys off. YUCK!!!

  5. Adorable!! I love the windshield washer fluid in his hand and the squigee in hers!

  6. that sketch is lovely, though i haven't really seen lovebugs ever i guess. .

  7. ha ha ha ha! Excellent. love the one with the washing fluid...i don't think we have these? but we have tons of pollen and trees dropping all sorts of things!!!! and of course we have mosquitos! this is cute!!!!!!!!!! xo

  8. oh, those silly love bugs...too cute!

  9. Adorable!!! Love the details here - Never heard of lovebugs before...Mosquitos oh yes!!!

    Great sketch!


  10. Ha! The things that hit my windshield aren't nearly as cute as this couple, and they don't clean up after themselves, either. I prefer your version to the real thing.

  11. Very clever. I like the details of your sketch and the story behind it.

  12. Oh this is good :).
    It is summer here that this happens, and every time I get a splat of the windshield I swinch (most likely swinch is not a word):)

  13. Great sketch and clever concept :)

  14. I remember love bugs from when we lived on the Gulfcoast in Mississippi when I was a kid. I aways liked them.

  15. Sorry it's taken me awhile to comment on Sunday Sketches.

    I've never seen them, but the way you describe them makes me want to find a youtube video.


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