Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Sketches

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you already know that I love all things silly. What you might not know, is that I also try to regularly exercise my drawing muscles by sketching more realistically. The pages above are a couple of drawings I just started to give myself a "workout".

Kelly Berkey, an artist and dancer, has generously started to post pictures of herself in a variety of beautiful poses for "Stretching to Sketch" - a wonderful new challenge. If you're interested in some creative calisthenics be sure to check it out!

Flying + Donkey = Flurro

You didn't think you could leave my blog without seeing something silly did you?!? This is my latest worksheet for Carla Sonheim's Silly 2 Class (Connect the dots has never been so much fun!)

Don't forget to stop by Sophia's blog to check out more Sunday Sketches.


  1. I love seeing Silly!!!! You capture it so well. Also, love the realistic hands you did...I am interested in checking out Kelly's site, too!
    happy sunday to you!!!

  2. Kristin I love your silly, that is one cute cow. I also think you did an excellent job on the hands. I think I will check out Kelly's site I do love to sketch realistically when given the opportunity.

  3. Wow the hands are really amazing. I have such trouble with hands!

    Love the silly and yes that cow is too cute. Off to check out Kelly's site.


  4. How on earth do you find out all these other amazing blogs?! I'm certainly glad you have introduced me to quite a few! Thankyou! ;)
    Loving your "silly" cow, especially his cheesy grin! Am wondering what kind of grass he has actually been eating!!

  5. The hands are excellent - this is a body part that eludes me and i really need to work on them - though i just keep drawing something else and putting it off :-) I too will check out the posted site link!

  6. the hands are wonderfully sketched & the cow's brings a cheerful feeling

  7. wow the first of the hands is really cool...and love the zany second one...smiles.

  8. Flonkey?

    Just kidding, but the leap into Espanol from the English explanation was a stretch, even though El Flurro is such a cool name!

    LOVE the hands. Beautiful hands, beautiful representation of them. I am always awestruck by your gift.

  9. Wonderful job with the hands!

    And a great mexican flying cow!!

  10. a wonderful Sunday Sketch--If I didn't already have Creative Tuesdays, I'd seriously want to join this group too! :) ...Only thing is I want to see the enlarged version BIGGER so I can really appreciate the time and work you put into those hands. nice job

  11. those hands are wonderful. I could use to do practice like this, it is something i have never done, just been learning faces.... How fun!

  12. What a great job you did with those oh so tricky hands. I drew Kelly too - great practice for more realistic drawing i agree.

  13. kristin, your hands are amazing and the art you created is touching. thanks for joining in and coming up with the name "stretching to sketch"!

    i will post this soon on my blog, i'm amazed at all the talent joining in, we even have a sculpture doing one of my poses...i can't wait to see that!! take care!


  14. i love the donkey drawing and your hand sketch is amazing!


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