Sunday, September 26, 2010

What, no remote?!?

This week's Sunday Sketch is a mixed media drawing I created for Illustration Friday's 'old-fashioned' theme.

Be sure to stop by Sophia's blog to see what other Sunday Sketchers have been up to!


  1. Cool, I remember TV's like that. Showing my age.

  2. oh yes. love this illustration...I remember having to get up to change the station...and there were only 13 of them! ha ha ha. wonderful memory....

  3. Yup that's the family tv when i was a wee one! Black and white of course Love the aged look of your piece! I like the screen too - it is as if energy was coming from it!

  4. Oh the memories this beautiful tv stirs up! When I was 4 our tv only had 2 channels in black and white, and I would patiently wait for Tonto and the Lone Ranger to come on the screen and rescue me from my bratty little sister.

    Love the sepia tone. But then I love everything you create :)

  5. Wow Kristin,,,what a great take on IF,,,good job!

  6. great retro TV, Kristin! thanks for stopping by!

  7. Hi Kristin,
    I love the earthy tones you use on your paintings, and really liked this one, it's really cool, especially the note on what, no remote? hahah it's great. I was inspired by reading your "about me" :)

  8. What a good idea for "old fashioned!" Yeah, the good old days when you had to get out of your chair to change the channel....of course there were only a few channels to choose from. Wow, how things have changed!

    I think your sort of sepia tones make a nice extra statement for the theme, as well.

    Thanks so much for following my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

  9. oh this tv is awesome!!! what a great piece!!! everything is perfect!!! the textures in this piece are amazing!!!

  10. Wow, remember having to get up to change the channel? (You're probably too young). I'll bet it's not even color! Thanks for the memory!

  11. Great drawing! I really love the background too. Have a great week!

  12. Ahhh... we had one like this- black and white and the sound didn't really work. Wonderful TV Kristin!

  13. What a very cool piece!

    Great drawing of an old-fashioned TV! The paper treatment reinforces "old-fashioned" very well!

  14. Love your piece! Fun drawing -- and great background! It's yummy!

  15. I think I actually did have a tv just like that, in fact it was in black and white, I remember seeing the wizard of oz and didn't even know that it started in black & white and then turned into color

    great drawing, I like the textures

  16. Very nice! It's funny that I don't think of TV's as being old-fashioned, but I guess this one is. It's a lovely piece. The muted colors add to the "old-fashioned" sort of feel....

  17. Oh such wonderful colours and textures! This is really quite beautiful!

  18. So cute, love the colour and the textures in this one, perfect for this weeks theme!

  19. Love the tv. Really nice colours, great illo. Thanks so much for the lovely comments on my blog:)


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