Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 7 (30 in 30 for 30) and Sunday Sketches

"Dog?!?" 8x10 acrylic on canvas

Today's painting was inspired by my friend Nutty's Drawing Lab Challenge.

Since I create a sketch the night before I start a painting, I have lots of sketches to share this week...

Be sure to stop by Sophia's blog to see more Sunday Sketches!

And, don't forget to visit the Creative Every Day blog to see what Day 7 has to offer!


  1. so many wonderful sketches, you are quite talented with sketching. I do more erasing than drawing when I sketch ;-}

    And your finished pieced is great fun. I love the playful and unique quality to this!

  2. nice. i love the lamb sketches...and the painting is very cool at well...did you have an animal in mind or did it just come out that way? smiles.

  3. Wholly productivity! Love the sheep!

  4. believe and the sheep are my've got so many wonderful ideas in your head! I love that...great colors on your finished "eyes and nose" piece! xxoo

  5. You were right: the original sketch for your 'Birthday Boy' was definitely creepy!

  6. Love your work. You have a fun style going on here!

  7. Love the sketches. Your abstract is very interesting and I love the colors.

  8. Beautiful work, glorious color. Its a pleasure to 'meet' you

  9. Really great abstract feel to this. Love all your sketches too! Great colors - very vibrant!


  10. LOVE these sketches - esp the sheep!

  11. Your 30 in 30 are coming along fabulously Kristin!! They are lots of fun!

    So neat to see how the sketches lead to a final painting!

  12. I love the colours in you 'dog' :D Inspiring as well since I haven't done mine yet :D

    Sorry I've been so slow in commenting on your great work over the last couple of days. You've been wonderfully supportive over at my blog and I reeeeally do love to see a new post from you. You're on my A list :D

    Love your stuff.

    (dash, dash, dash)


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