Sunday, November 14, 2010

An Announcement, A New Painting, And Sunday Sketches!

I am very, very happy to announce that my etsy shop is now open!  All of the paintings above are listed for the fabulous $30 price!  (I replaced the unfixable day 3 painting with my "butter-fly" painting from this post!)  Be sure to stop by... I'd love to know what you think!  (If you aren't familiar with my 30 in 30 for 30 project, you can read more about it here.)

"Nutcracker"  8x10  acrylic on canvas

Today's painting was inspired by Eva's nutcracker suggestion.  All of this holiday painting is starting to get me in the spirit!

And last, but certainly not least, are this week's Sunday Sketches!

It has been such a busy weekend - I'm tired.

Please make sure you visit the Creative Every Day blog to find out how other artists spent their Sunday.

And, of course Sunday wouldn't be complete without a trip over to Sophia's blog to see my friends' Sunday Sketches!

I will be visiting blogs tomorrow... for now I'm off to bed!


  1. Really nice work. I can see you are having a great time creating. I am also tired but happy to live to create! Enjoy your week!

  2. Woww, lovely sketches and your paintings are wonderful!!!

  3. You Nutcracker is wonderful! Congrats on opening your shop. And that "butter-fly" is so silly!

  4. Excellent Nutcracker, Kristin!!!

    Congratulations on getting your shop opened! (But where's the nutcracker. I was hoping to add him to my collection!)

  5. Your sketches and your artwork always make me smile! They are so full of fun and color. I will go check out your shop!

  6. LOVE the Nutcracker....I have been studying that, too! I bet he's handsome in real life, too! xxoo

  7. All of your artwork are very colorful and your nutcracker is amazing. I have always wanted to draw one...maybe I will now as well!

  8. Good for you! I enjoy your nutcracker. It looks cool, seeing all your paintings together like that.

  9. Aww, lil nutcracker--not suprised Sophia loved it!

    Anyway, need to pop over to your Etsy. How wonderful you have got this up. Now it's my turn. Way to go.

  10. nic job on the the nutcracker...have quite a few of those around here...

  11. Butter fly - priceless! Wonderful work and congratulations on the opening of your shop. Hope you sell loads!


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