Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Sketches... Angel

The drawing I am sharing today is a preliminary sketch for the painting I am creating for Inspiration Avenue's Charity Art Auction to benefit Angel Faces.  ("Angel" also happens to be the theme over at Inspiration Avenue this week.)

The auction begins on May 1st.  Please be sure to check back to see the finished painting!

(And since it's Sunday, don't forget to stop by Sophia's blog to see what my friends have been sketching this week.)


  1. oh such an angel :)
    Definitely will be checking back to see how he looks on the wood. A very interesting outline- I like how his wings are on the frame (yup I looked at your older posts ). Have a good Easter :)

  2. Cruel but oh so Look foward to seeing it completed, am sure it will be snapped up at the auction. Annette x

  3. Wonderful, it made me smile! Good luck with the auction.

  4. I love this. I love orange cats, too...and this is sooo their personality! Excellent. Happy Easter, Kristin! xxoo

  5. awwww, that is precious! reminds me of my orange cat Giner and Tigger Magoo who are no longer with us but I miss dearly!

    The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances. ~Robert Flatt
    Have a wonderfully splendid Easter!

  6. Kristin, this is just as cute as can be. Truly a cat being a cat and will be a wonderful piece when it's finished. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  7. I saw this on Friday before you added color. I LOVE how the colors really bring it to life- Fabulous!

  8. Love it... as usual - I think I am a groupie of your work!
    cheers, dana

  9. Sunday Smiles for sure! Oops, looks like someone has a secret that wasn't supposed to be shared! LOVE IT!

  10. I love the humor in this brilliant painting! I am happy you are joining our auction :)

  11. ✿♫♫°º
    Passei para uma visitinha...
    Seu blog é bonito e agradável.

    Feliz Páscoa!!!✿°º

    • ♥♥♫° ·.

    ( ),,( )

  12. I totally love this piece, the expression so really "unangelic"! Funny!

  13. Oh, how darling is this! I am a cat lover and I have seen that face before (Bird? What bird?).

    It's so exciting that you are contributing to our auction! This piece will be wonderful!

  14. This turned out so cute! You have a great imagination and sense of humor!

  15. this is a very cute feline angel!

  16. He is coming along very nicely, So adorable with that tell tell feather falling out of his mouth and his cheeks bulged out.

  17. Love the Angel PussyCat... great fun.. Happy Easter

  18. I am loving it, already. I love to draw and pait cats, too. Happy Easter!

  19. Oh, yeah, he is such an angel ::grin:: Mischevious is the word that comes to mind :D

    Great work, as always. I simply love your textures.

    (off the edge, but learning to fly)

  20. oh what a fun and clever piece Kristin!!!! your work is always so much fun!!! love it!!!

  21. Oh my gosh this is tooooo funny and cute! I love it.

  22. Hm Kristin... angel? With those feathers in the mouth and that cat face? I don't know... more of a little Lucifer I guess. However, the expression on the cat's face is gorgeous, "I didn't do anything, I'm innocent as a newborn".

  23. Very cute. It will be a winner!

  24. Very whimsical! I like your choice of colors and the cat's wings extending from the picture frame.

  25. This is great - a very accomplished drawing, full of colour, humour and charm! Love him :)

  26. This is fabulous - love it! Cheeky adorable angel cat. I can't believe this is just a preliminary sketch - it looks perfect as it is. You are very kind to put a painting in for the IA auction - thanks. Whoever wins the bid for the resulting painting will be very lucky & pleased.

    Kat X
    PS sorry I didn't get to play along with PPF this week - hope to join in next friday.

  27. I love cats and yours is so cute!! Love the humor too!

  28. So cute and fun! It will be great for the auction!

  29. HA! I love the irony. Having cats and dogs I've seen that expression all too often. It's a vicious cycle, being domesticated and yet have such a prey drive. A friend said, they do it out of love - they think they are providing for you. :) Always love your work. Happy Easter.

  30. very cute and I like the idea.

    thanks for your visit. will come back to see the painting. have a lovely day.

  31. Cute kitty. I like his la-dee-da expression.

  32. This is wonderful and humorous, Angel indeed!



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