Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Sketches

This week most of my sketchbook pages have been dedicated to notes for the website Bob is building for me.  However, in between the layout designs, I did manage to squeak out some paper doll and flower drawings.

Please be sure to stop by Sophia's blog for some Sunday Sketching goodness!


  1. Thank you for sharing your sketch book, loving seeing your work, Annette x

  2. Kristin, always fun to stop in here and see what you have been up to. Love the dolls but you have more heads to choose from than bodies. Your flowers are great, I love the rose.

  3. I so love seeing inside your sketchbook. the girls have cute faces, i like their cheeks! oooh, i can't wait to see your website. I am sure it will be full of FUN creative work!
    have a great sunday kristin! xo

  4. looking forward to seeing your website. cute sketches of the dolls.

  5. oh these are fantastic Christine. I sneaked down a couple of post and was blown away by your spring doll. It is amazing.

  6. Ooh, I love paper dolls! I used to have so much fun playing with them when I was a little girl. Oh the simple times in life!

  7. So glad to have the opportunity to see your sketchbook. I love it! I really like those dolls! Looking forward to see your new website design!

  8. I was always making paper dolls when I was a kid. Maybe I should make some for my son (though they would all have to be super heroes and certainly not girls in dresses!!)

  9. You're getting a new website? Exciting! These paper dolls are cute!

  10. I love seeing your sketchbook, always such lovely work in there. Your getting your own website, how cool!

  11. you are such a prolific sketcher. i love everything you do, of course!!
    have a wonderful week!

  12. And we know what those cute drawings became! Love seeing the progress! And so neat how you have multiple faces per body.

  13. adorable drawings. have a great sunday!

  14. Oh I do so remember playing with paper dolls and how fun it was. Your paper dolls are so darling. Have a great week.

  15. These are lovely and thanks for sharing your sketchbook. I LOVE seeing other people's sketchbooks!

  16. Oh I love paper dolls and these are so cute! What is this new website you are building? Is it for your art?

    Can't wait to hear about this project. I am in the middle of thinking over whether or not to build one for my art and would love to hear about your process if that is what you are doing!


  17. I LOVED playing with paper dolls. Thanks for the memories.

  18. i don't really understand what paper dolls are, but your lines are so clean.. :P


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