Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Sketches

Just a little something from my sketchbook...

(In case you missed it, I posted a tutorial for making chocolate covered peep pops here.)

Please be sure to stop by Sophia's blog - There are sure to be some sweet sketches!


  1. Yes! You just had to sketch them, they are too cute not too!! I so love this idea, and have been thinking of trying to make them! xo
    have a great sunday

  2. I knew you were clever. This is just more proof. They do make a cute painting.

  3. this is such a great idea. Nice painting too.

  4. Loved this post and these look so yummy! I really enjoyed seeing how you made these and have been thinking about trying them with my peeps (pun intended) too!

    Great sketch! Makes me want a sweet :-)

    Smile and hope you are having a great Sunday

  5. Loved the post on how to make them and LOVE the sketch to capture the moment! SWEET!

  6. Oh my gosh those are too cute! They would make great stickers to go on your PeepPop bags!

  7. so cute and perfect for the season.

  8. These are cute! And you would be proud of me, I painted today! It was just a background for a blog button, but I thought of you, heehee.

  9. Ohhhhhhh. I love peeps. This is so cute. I am going to look at your prior post and make me some chocalate covered peeps. Yum!!!

  10. Cute! The bright colors really pop against the chocolate brown.

  11. Very clever idea and glad you sketched them, they are really cute. I myself don't like peeps, shhhh don't tell anyone, but I am thinking of making them for my grandkids.

  12. My babies will love them delicious Easter treats. Blessings! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  13. These are so cute! I'm hopping over to check out the recipe!! (hee hee)

  14. Awww they are so super cute.... and yummy!

  15. I had to zoom in because those looked real enough to eat, although I am not a huge fan of Peeps. I love how they kind of look shocked and a bit scared about their potential fate.

  16. I bought my peeps Kristin!!!! I will be making some tomorrow!!! you are amazing!!! love this piece....perfection!!!!


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