And of course, I also did a sketch for this week's color challenge.
For more "Sunday Sketches" visit Sophia's blog to see what other artists are up to!
And of course, I also did a sketch for this week's color challenge.
For more "Sunday Sketches" visit Sophia's blog to see what other artists are up to!
This week, Louise paired up with Cathy Nichols and her Found Art Friday. In addition to using this week's color (sea green), we had the added challenge of creating within the theme "To the Sea".
As you probably already guessed, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to play with words and the phrase "Sea ya later" immediately popped into my head. It wasn't long after that I had visions of a fish saying goodbye to his bowl and heading "to the sea".
I've really been enjoying this challenge... Please make sure you check back to see what the final color inspires.
"Hogs and Kisses" is the final result for this week's color challenge - "raspberry red".
Another play on words, this mixed media painting was created using only red, black, and white. Paired with last week's painting ("Ewe Are My Sunshine"), I'm starting to see a pattern develop... I guess this challenge is bringing out a love of livestock I never knew I had!
During the month of August, I have decided to participate in Louise Gale's Creative Color Challenge. Each week, Louise gives us a new color to create with. As a participant, your palette is limited to to the chosen color plus black and white. This week's color was sunflower yellow.
When I was reading the description for this week's color, the song "You Are My Sunshine" immediately popped into my head. Since I love to play with words in my art, it seemed natural for "You" to become "Ewe". The mixed media painting above is the final result.
Limiting your color palette when you are used to having a rainbow at your fingertips is definitely a challenge. Even though the yellow made me a little nervous, it was actually a fun thing to do... I'm looking forward to finding out what next week's color is!
Today is my Husband's birthday, which seems like the perfect time to give thanks for all of the wonderful things he does.
Let me start by saying that without Bob, this blog (and my future website) would not be possible. Being married to him is like having my own personal, live-in, 24-7, IT department. He is amazingly patient with my seemingly endless computer-related questions. In addition to his technical support, he is my biggest cheerleader. No matter where my creative career choices lead, he is an unlimited source of encouragement.
As if that weren't enough, Bob is funny, smart, handsome, a Great Dad, and the King of Breakfast. (Even on his own birthday, he prepared cinnamon french toast stuffed with fresh strawberries and bananas before work!)
He is the yang to my yin, the chocolate to my peanut butter, the green eggs to my ham... and for that, I am eternally grateful and would like to offer him a huge and heartfelt, "Thank You". Oh, and one more thing...
In my last blog post, which was also my first (isn't the english language a funny thing?!?) I announced to the blogosphere that I was going to start facing my fears.
Well, I guess there is no time like the present.
In the past, I have gone to great lengths to avoid labels. I've always been hesitant to use a single word to describe myself. I was afraid of the limitations or judgements that might accompany a label.
What I am beginning to realize is that labels are tools to help define who we are. They are unavoidable. From the moment we are born, we are assigned labels and the list grows from there.
So, I can either fight the inevitable (an exhausting task) or embrace and take charge of all the labels that define who I am. I now know that although there are some labels I can't change, I can control how I "wear" them. I can decide what they mean to me.
In the spirit of limitless potential and infinite possibility I offer you this list:
I am a... Mommy, Dreamer, Painter, Wife, Daughter, Friend, Mess Maker, Worrier, Doughnut Scarfer, Sister, TV Watcher, Blogger, Shower Singer, Dancer, Optimist, Tequila Drinker, Comedian, List Maker, Whack-a-doo (thanks, Mom), Scaredy Cat, Foodie, Amateur Chef, Housekeeper, Aunt, Cousin, Reader, Photographer, Granddaughter, Niece, Swimmer, Believer, Cry-Baby, Listener, Sketcher, Writer, Card Player, Couch Potato, Goofball, Lover, Baker, Hugger, Silly Seeker...
Whether good or bad, self-imposed or given, underneath all of these labels remains one constant...
I am an artist.