Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A New Painting and a Few Words About "Flying"

Because the OCD part of myself thrives on assignments and deadlines, I decided to give Illustration Friday a try. This week's theme is 'stargazing'.

Looking at this mixed media painting, it is apparent to me that a lot of the stuff that's been swirling around in my head this week found its way into my art. First, I've been thinking about blue (this week's color). I've also been thinking about cows (more about my bovine thoughts later this week). Last, but certainly not least, I've had "flying" on my mind...

Since taking Kelly Rae Roberts Flying Lessons e-course, something has changed... And the people around me are noticing. Bob said he can't remember ever seeing me like this, Zoe said I seem so driven, and the rest of my friends and family are also asking lots of questions about my new found vim and vigor.
I have always made art - it's part of who I am... But, what I've discovered is that I've been holding myself back. Whether it was an assignment for a class or a mural for a client, my art was always centered around what other people wanted or what I thought they wanted.

Since taking Kelly Rae's e-course, I've started creating more for myself and its made all the difference. Her course gave me the boost I needed to get out of the creative rut I had fallen into, along with the tools to make it happen. Because of Kelly Rae, I feel like anything is possible. I haven't felt this creatively exhuberant in years...
I do believe I can 'fly'!


  1. hey Kristin! Love this! Great design and colors! SWEEEEET!

  2. I'll be waiting in the ER

    ; )

  3. Thank you for your thoughtful comments on my entry. I love the pattern on the Moon's face and all the layers!

  4. I really love your art! What an amazing talent you have!
    I totally get what you say about the renewed vigour and exuberance after Kelly Rae's "Taking flight" course...I'm on a similar journey and it feels WONDER FULL!!!
    Its fantastic to hear how you are spreading your wings, thankyou for sharing :)

  5. Really beautiful! I love all your patterns and textures. Thank you for the watercolor tips too :)

  6. I totally agree! Something opened up for me during that course - like I'd finally been given permission to let a secret part of me fly. So glad the same is for you - and believing is the first step. This is a super sweet illustration! I could totally see it in a child's room!

  7. I know,flying with KRR sure changed a lot of us,and still is!! I feel like I know so many of you personally - I think it's because our hearts touched. Enjoy ;-)

  8. Kristin, I love this! it reminds me of the movie It's a wonderful life, when George Bailey lassoed the moon. Especially because he believed that he could.

  9. lovely style and images! i'm going to take a look to your beautiful illus! i'm your new follower btw! :-D

  10. I found a similar thing happened to me when I took Flying Lessons; it's as if I have given myself permission to open up, to truly listen to those whispers, to dream and yes, to dream big, and to believe in my potential, unabashedly.

    Like you, people have noticed a change in me that involves a happy focus and more energy. Kelly's book, her e-course and the creative community associated with it have been gifts to myself that just keep on giving. I believe that many of us, as fellow Flyers, have also been affected similarly. In R.M.Rilke's words "Everything wants to fly" and in our own ways, we are all learning to use our wings.

    I look forward to the projects of your revived spirit.

  11. How whimsical and inspirational! Yes, it's a lot more fun when you can create art for yourself! Thanks for your visit to my blog! :o)

  12. Thanks for your lovely comment Kristin! I love your illustration, especially the cow jumping over the moon!

  13. This is great! it's uplifting and inspiring (and a clever idea)!

  14. How wonderful that you feel this way: freer, bolder, and that people are noticing it about you. Good for you.


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