Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday Sketches... Blind Contour Portraits! Hooray!

When I was in college, my favorite warm-up exercises were always the blind contour drawings.  For my birthday (September 10th), I signed up for Gritty Jane's Portraits and Papers class and our first lesson included blind contour portraits!  I forgot how much I love doing them!  Wheee!!!

Don't forget to stop by Sophia's blog to see some serious Sunday Sketching sweetness!


  1. Kristin ~ fun and so creative ~ thanks, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) linked with Sunday Sketches ~ ^_^

  2. Very Picasso! They are fun and you're right - a great way to loosen up.

  3. These are so fun - yes we used to do these, too. I think they are great practice and good way to just put pencil on paper! Happy Belated birthday!!!!!

  4. I love doing these too! Yours look fabulous!

  5. I haven't thought about these for years. Thanks for the reminder. Happy belated birthday.

  6. Oh these are so cool. I wonder if that is what Picasso did at time :D happy belated Bday !

  7. Kristen these are so cool! I am taking Jane's class too and it was the first time I ever did blind contour drawing.

    Happy belated birthday!


  8. An excellent warm-up exercise! I used to teach Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and this was one of the exercises we used. Good job!

  9. Very creatively cool! I can remember doing these as well...has been a long time. Thanks for the inspiration to give it a try just for fun! Sounds like a fun class! Happy Sunday Sketches! POP ART MINIS

  10. OMG. I LOVED the blind contours too!! Some of my favorite student work involved brind contour in some way. I even went back and used a blind contour in many of my block printing class assignments!!!

  11. it sounds like a fun exercise and come out looking abstract and nice. Will you try colouring them?

  12. mine don't look that good when I am looking at the subject!!! go picasso!
    cheers, dana

  13. Never seen this style before but am loving it, looks so much fun. Annette x

  14. abstract but fun results. I might try it.

    have a lovely day.

  15. What a fun exercise! Hope you had a fantastic birthday! :-)

  16. I love these! You are so inspiring me to get back into doing drawing exercises. Blind contours were always one of my favorites too!

  17. Oh, fun! We did these in Carla Sonheim's summer camp - Faces 101, too.

  18. these are absolutely wonderful! I have never tried this, yours are so fun to look at.

  19. like, with your eyes closed?!

    each one of these are definite characters! i think the silly grins are hilarious and i'm amazed you got the eyeballs in the sockets!



  20. you did a wonderful job...are you sure you didn't peak? : )

    I always liked doing this exercise too, I remember being the only one in the class who did!


  21. All these wild faces are so fun. Maybe that's how Picasso got his start. lol


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