Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Sketches... Girls In Hats

For this week's Sunday Sketches I am sharing some mechanical pencil drawings from my sketchbook.  They are preliminary sketches for a series of paintings I am currently working on.  (You may recognize the girl at the top from Friday's post.)

Please be sure to stop by Sophia's blog to see what my Sunday Sketching friends have been up to this week!


  1. Oh Kristin!!!! WOW!!! These are so fabulous!! And yes, I recognize the first girl from your underpainting shared on Friday! I am so excited to see how these progress in your series! :)

  2. the hats are fabulous as are the girls...beautiful pencil sketches Kristin!

  3. These are just wonderful, Kristin! I'm amazed and delighted by your steady stream of beautiful creations every week!

  4. Gorgeous Sketches today Kristin! (Robin Panzer Art Studio 33) Linked with Sunday Sketches)

  5. Wow, you've been busy! I love them all!

  6. These are really pretty - i love the first one and the addition of the peacock feathers! have a wonderful sunday!

  7. wow! these are so good and so life like! Happy Sunday!

  8. Hats off to you...all AWESOME sketches! Love the way you've captured a different expression in each sketch...BEAUTIFUL work! POP ART MINIS

  9. I love your pencil sketches. They're beautiful work.

  10. Fun hats! The second drawing reminds me of my dear friend, Mademoiselle Mermaid.

  11. LOVE them all. I have such a thing for hats also. Yours are just great.

  12. Wow you ladies are wonderful. I always seem to put hats on my women in a funny way, like they are not quite right. Yours look awesome.

  13. Oh my pretty! All of them! Look forward to seeing them with color if you add paint. They look fabulous black & white though. :)

  14. Kristin ~ Wow! Well done ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) linked with Sunday Sketches

  15. I love your portraits. Your value drawings are fantastic. I agree with Kristin, well done! You are so awesome and your drawings inspire. Proportion and and realism excellent too!

  16. Love your sketches. I took a look at your PPF post and the translation is awesome. I am with you, I love to watch other artist work. I really love the girl with the peacock feathers.

  17. Love all, my fav the first one. Your work is so beautiful!

  18. I wish I'd look this good in a hat. :)) Great sketches!

  19. These are just beautiful Kristin, I'm so glad I discovered your blog, you are so very talented. Hugs, Jenny

  20. Lovely ladies in hats. You've got another great series going.
    Congratulations on your recent somerset published works!
    I always gain inspiration from your blog. You're such a prolific artist!

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my video. It definitely helped in my healing process ... maybe that's why I worked on it for so long.

  21. They are all so great and so many angles! and they all work!

  22. These are simply fantastic Kristin...:-)

  23. Hi Kirstin, Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog. I am so happy meeting you! What wonderful talent you have!!!I love your blog and I am now going to fetch a coffee and read some older posts.


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