(You may have noticed I've already started decorating!)
October 16th is sure to be a spooktacular day!
The drawings above were created for "Stretching to Sketch" - the great new challenge hosted by Kelly Berkey. You may remember the start to these drawings that I posted for Sunday Sketches....
My friend Mr. Toast requested a closer view of the hands.
While working on the mixed-media drawing, I started thinking about the loving gesture of the hands, the vulnerability of the pose, and how Kelly is revealing herself to all of us through her beautiful photos. Then I remembered that this week's Theme Thursday prompt is "reveal"... All of the thoughts I had seemed to mesh together (I love it when that happens).
On a lighter and happier note (I certainly wouldn't want to end this post with my sketchbook woes), my new friend Carol the gardener has given me an award. She likes my painting paired with my silly... Cool. Since I'm new to all of this (and have never received one before) I am shocked and flattered all at the same time. Thank you so much Carol!
While travelling through the blogosphere this morning I came across a very cool blog that hosts a quick and fun Q&A every Monday. It seems like a good way for all of you to get to know the gal behind the art, so I think I'll play along...
2. How often do you go over the speed limit?
Can I plead the fifth on this one?!? While driving I like to channel my inner Mario Andretti! (Well, I used to - now that I have a son I'm much more cautious.)
Big hairy spiders. Big bald spiders. Small hairy spiders. Small bald spiders.
4. What is your favorite snack?
I love potato chips (specifically Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream potato chips). As you can see in the photo above, they love me too! hee hee
Hmmm... this is a tough one. I do like to be pampered, so I might have to say Fluffy... But, on the other hand, how can you deny the sheer coolness of being named "Killer"... Maybe I could split the difference and be a fluffy cat named Killer?
Do you want to play too? Head on over to:
If you're a regular reader of my blog, you already know that I love all things silly. What you might not know, is that I also try to regularly exercise my drawing muscles by sketching more realistically. The pages above are a couple of drawings I just started to give myself a "workout".
You didn't think you could leave my blog without seeing something silly did you?!? This is my latest worksheet for Carla Sonheim's Silly 2 Class (Connect the dots has never been so much fun!)
Welcome to Upside-Down Land (where the sky is green & the grass is blue). For this exercise we had to draw upside-down in permanent marker - no erasing! It was actually much more difficult than I thought it would be... Lots of concentration involved.
There is still time to join in the fun!
In other news, I am having a bit of a humpty-dumpty moment in my creative space this week. After reading about all of the struggles with the paper in the moleskines for the sketchbook project, I decided to take mine apart and replace the pages with some Arches hot press watercolor paper I had lying around.
The photo above is how my sketchbook project looks right now... Which makes me wonder if I've graduated from silly to just plain crazy. I don't have all the king's horses or all the king's men, so will I be able to put my sketchbook together again?!?
Stay tuned to see if there is a method to my madness... And don't forget to check out Kirsty's blog to see what other creative folks are up to!
I'm so excited! I've signed up for a new class...
Who couldn't use a little more silly in their life?!? Come join the fun!
Carla sent us a pre-class "work"sheet that said, "Write a story about this bird guy".
I have a feeling this class is going to be LOTS of fun.
Saturday was Tiffany's birthday & she was offering a giveaway to celebrate. (It's such a generous thing to do - but once you read her blog you'll understand that's the sort of kindhearted person she is.) It just so happens that my birthday is tomorrow, so I was very excited to find someone (especially such a nice someone) who was born the same week I was. Well, wouldn’t you know it… I won her giveaway! Not only am I the proud new owner of a gorgeous handmade scarf (and other goodies), I made a wonderful new friend.
(Bonus: The photo she took to announce my win was so fabulous I printed it out and hung it up on my studio wall – it’s a fantastic reminder of how very lucky I truly am.)Make sure you stop by Kirsty’s blog to check out what other artists have going on in their creative spaces today!
This is the last week of Louise Gale's Creative Color Challenge. I have to say, this challenge has been more fun than a barrel of monkeys...
With that in mind, I created the lavender purple mixed media monkey painting above.
Week 1: Sunflower Yellow, Week 2: Raspberry Red
Celebrate Color!, Week 3: Turquoise Blue
Week 4: Sea Green, Week 5: Lavender Purple
I created this "punny" little painting for the Lots to Do Challenge, "Butterflies and or Insects". I just can't seem to help myself with the wordplay!
As of this post, I have officially been blogging for one month! Starting this blog has proven, so far, to be one of the best creative decisions I have made - It's hard to believe I was so nervous to start.
Not only has this blog helped keep me on track with my art making, it has led me to an online community of artists that keep me inspired and energized. I have 'met' so many wonderful people since starting this blog, I'm actually giddy! I can't help but get a big ol' goofy grin thinking about all of the support and encouragement I have received from my new friends. Bob keeps saying to me, "You have that look again." And it's true, I can't contain the joy I feel & it's written all over my face!
So to all of you, my friends, I offer you my heartfelt thanks for making my first month of blogging so wonderful. I'm looking forward to many more...
p.s. I just discovered a very cool blog where artists post what's been going on in their creative spaces... be sure to check it out!